Announcement of move to Tornado DC.

All servers in the EGC are affected by this maintenance. Except for dedicated servers starting with flash-.

Since we are now unfortunately affected by the continued poor service from the EGC center, we are moving forward by 2 months and will move on 13.09.2024.

Maintenance will start on 13/09/2024 at midnight ((UTC+01:00) Europe/Berlin) and continue until 4 am.

Servers may be available again before then. We will update you on our status pages once everything is back online.

Unfortunately, this will take some time, but we expect it to be completed within the next few days.

Thank you for your trust.

We will have a little surprise for you as soon as we have moved. <3

Due to a delay in the provision of the racks, the expected maintenance window was extended.

We will give extra days after everything is up and running again, it is not yet clear how much.

08:51 CET
Most VMs can be started again. We are still working on some ryzen nodes. A mass start will be done later.

09:21 CET
We currently have issues with 8 ryzens and are fixing them one by one. Should be done in about half an hour. Management of EQ7 Servers is also possible again.

09:52 CET
All services are up: Unfortunately, the Helios Dedis will have to wait until after the break. There will be a refund as soon as everything is online again.

18:56 CET
After the break we se 3 ryzen hosts have issues. The ETA for fixing that is 1:30 Hours.

Everything else, besides helios dedicated, is online again.

ETA for helios Dedicated is 3 hours.

21.39 CET
All Servers are up now.

All KVM Servers will get 8 Days of Runntime and all Helios Dedicated 14 Days for the issues we had. We will do that tomorrow evening.